Humanoid creature







3/4 front

3/4 front

Clay front

Clay front

Clay back

Clay back

2d concept

2d concept

Initial sketch

Initial sketch

Ortho as it looks in zbrush

Ortho as it looks in zbrush

polypainted ortho

polypainted ortho

Some quick options for the pattern

Some quick options for the pattern

Surface closeup

Surface closeup

This is a creature design that I have been working on and off as a part of a workshop with Jerad Marantz. Great experience all along, learned a ton on how to approach creature design and then execute it fully in 3d. This are some of the final renders of it . My focus was make it grounded and believable while still being exciting. Enjoyed the process a lot so I will work on more in the future. Follow me on insta for more @josu__solano